I Have My List of Short-Listed Speakers, Now What?

Speaker selection is a thoughtful and arduous process. You have already crossed the first hurdle by culling out the speakers who could present at your event.
So, what’s the next step?
How do you determine which one of the short-listed speakers is ideal for your event?
Here are five steps to help you finalize and book the best speaker:
Ask for Proof of Performance
If your short-listed speakers are celebrities, then you can easily find a YouTube video, a Ted Talk or a media interview to check out their speaking style. You can watch these clips to ascertain if the speaker is aligned to your messaging and has a presentation style that would resonate with your audience. However, if your target speakers are subject matter experts in a niche field or rising stars, chances are you won’t find much online. In that scenario, ask the speakers for a sizzle reel showcasing the highlights from their prior speaking engagements or a presentation video as proof of performance. This would help you determine if the speakers’ energy, presentation style and content is right for your audience.
Confirm Availability
As basic as it sounds, confirm the speakers’ availability by offering a specific time slot you’d like them to present at. Speakers’ schedules get booked far out in advance. It is important to check if a speaker is available on the exact date and time you want them at your event. It’s also important to find out if they are speaking at any other event the day before or after your engagement so that there are no travel conflicts. Additionally, to maximize the ROI from your speakers, check whether the speakers can stay for the entire length of the event or if they are available just for a few hours. If the speakers are planning to spend more time at your event then use that time to schedule networking opportunities, intimate dinner gatherings or one on one meetings with your executives to get to know one another better.
Look for Hidden Costs When Negotiating Budget
When negotiating budget, ask for specific speaker requirements when it comes to travel, accommodation and special considerations. Are the speakers going to bring an assistant or another member of their team to assist them on-site? Do you need to pay for travel and accommodation for those team members? Do they have specific requirements for room/stage set-up? Are there any specific audio visual or make-up requirements? If it’s a high- profile celebrity, do you need to provide on-site security? All these costs can add significantly to your budget and need to be considered upfront.
Assess Joint Opportunities to Promote/Market the Event
Before you finalize the speakers, check the speakers’ willingness to partner with you on joint promotion and marketing opportunities. Would the speakers promote your event on their social networks to generate excitement? Would they be willing to participate in a video/podcast/media interview to help you promote your event? Would they provide a quote sharing their passion for the event, contribute to your company blog or blog about your company to help get the word out? Essentially, to get more out of your speaker investment, look for speakers who are more amenable to participating in joint marketing and promotion opportunities.
Book Speakers You Can Build a Long-Term Relationship With
By inviting a speaker to present at our event, you have an incredible opportunity to build a long-lasting relationship with that person. Especially, if the person is a noted expert and visionary in your field. Simple gestures like promoting the speaker’s book at your conference, organizing a book signing or a meet and greet with attendees or making introductions to key customers and prospects can lay the foundation for a mutually beneficial long-term relationship.
At ROKK Speakers, we don’t treat speaking engagements as just one and done. We view them as the beginning of long-term relationships. We have a very thoughtful approach to aligning the right speakers with the right organizations. Our endeavor is to help our customers build solid relationships with the speakers that can translate into long-term business partnerships. Email us today to learn how.